Thank you for your patience while we retrieve your images.

It was a sincere pleasure to have worked with you guys. I hope you'll give me another chance to do a dog jumping over a barrier shot. I'm not as happy with it as I might be. That shot is the only one though. I think they'll all serve you very well.
For perspective, a commercial shoot would be somewhere between 800-1500. That has absolutely no bearing on our trade though. Actually, I'm gratified to have been able to make a contribution. On one level or another, I feel I owe Leonard. It was neither of our faults, but I made some poor decisions and because Leonard is a stand up guy with a very honorable sense of loyalty, he got caught in the middle. I've always felt shitty for it.

Here's how you will be able to download files from the site:

· Upper right, click "select photos"

· Upper left: "Select All"

· Upper right: Select: "DOWNLOAD"

· Your computer will either ask you where you want to put them on your machine, or download them to your default download directory.

· They'll be a .zip file.. click on that file when the download is complete and it will blossom into your original resolution image/files.

If you have any issues at all, please contact me.